
14th Sep 2023

Super Mario Bros. (1993)

Revealing mistake: When Daisy takes Luigi to the dig site, there's a long wide shot as they talk and start to head down. As the camera zooms in, you can see the composited background (the bridge, city, etc.) "jiggle" slightly towards the end of the shot where the composite effect didn't quite align up.


29th Aug 2023

Scream (2022)

Revealing mistake: When Ritchie tackles Sam down the stairs, you can get a pretty clear look at both the stunt-man and stunt-woman's faces as they fall. They then switch back to the actual actors once they reach the bottom of the stairs.


26th Aug 2023

Scream VI (2023)

Revealing mistake: When Jason is getting stabbed to death, there's a quick 2-second shot showing him being stabbed repeatedly in the stomach, with part of his intestines hanging out. But if you pay close attention, there's no actual damage occurring with any of the stabs, revealing it's just an effect. Likely either a collapsible prop knife or a CGI knife being stabbed into him.


18th Aug 2023

Super Mario Bros. (1993)

Revealing mistake: In the opening, when Daisy's mother pushes the beam and causes the cave-in in the mine, for a split second, you get a pretty clear shot of Koopa's stunt double, who is taller than and looks nothing like Dennis Hopper. He's only on-screen for about a half-second, but it's very easy to notice it.


18th Aug 2023

Super Mario Bros. (1993)

Revealing mistake: When the meteorite strikes the Earth at the beginning of the film, there's an odd slip-up in the effect. About a half-second before it hits, you can sort of see it awkwardly shift slightly to the right for a split second. It's hard to catch, but once you see it, it's fairly noticeable.


5th Jun 2023

Jack Frost (1997)

Revealing mistake: Throughout the entire film, it's quite obvious that most of the "snow" is fake. It just doesn't quite look right. It often resembles mashed potato flakes or Christmas tree flocking instead of real snow.


5th Jun 2023

Jack Frost (1997)

Revealing mistake: When Jack is melting after being showered with acid, at one point, there's a very obvious cross-dissolve used to blend two shots into one as Jack is reduced into a skeleton. It almost works, except suddenly, the snow around him is slightly different. (Some impressions into the snow and whatnot appear during the fade that shouldn't, as does a few pieces of debris.)


5th Jun 2023

Jack Frost (1997)

Revealing mistake: When Jack is being showered with the acid, you can tell that they had the actor lying down, dropped the liquid on him from above, and simply tilted the camera onto its side. The way it sprays "sideways" is incredibly unnatural.


5th Jun 2023

Jack Frost (1997)

Revealing mistake: In the beginning, when Jack kills the guard then puts the cigarette out on his face, watch closely. As the camera pans down, you can see him starting to switch the lit cigarette in his right hand with an unlit cigarette hidden in his left hand so he doesn't actually burn the actor playing the guard when he "puts it out" on his face. It can be hard to notice at first, but once you see it, it's super obvious.


5th Jun 2023

Jack Frost (1997)

Revealing mistake: At the very beginning of the film, we see the transfer vehicle carrying Jack driving down the road. You can tell in several shots that the (fake) snow isn't really falling, but is just being blown in front of the camera from off-screen, especially since there's no snow hitting the road, and it's coming from the side, not above.


Ted - S2-E11

Revealing mistake: When Buffy knocks Ted down the stairs, the camera angle gives away the fact that the last two kicks Buffy hits him with don't come close to hitting him.


Ted - S2-E11

Revealing mistake: In the beginning of the episode, when Buffy stakes the vampire that she beats up for a long time, watch when she lifts the stake. The hole in the vampire's chest is a solid 8" below where she actually hit him with the stake. (It's an effects shot, so somehow, they just didn't line up).


Revealing mistake: When Keyface is leading Imogen and Melissa on chains, he hits Elise, sending her through the air. When this happens, you can pretty easily see that Elise is played by a stunt-woman. You get a very quick look at her (suddenly much younger) face, and when she lands, you can see that her body is also has a slightly thicker, more toned build than Elise's actress Lin Shaye. (Slow motion helps but is not required).


Revealing mistake: Normally I wouldn't consider a bad CGI effect to be a mistake, but when Elise finds the hidden keyhole in the wall in the basement, the effect is comical if you pay attention. The way it appears as she scratches is pretty unnatural, and the pieces of paint that fall practically look like cartoon pieces if you pay attention. The shadow of her left hand also looks a little too sharp compared to the rest of her (somewhat softer) shadow, revealing it was likely rotoscopped in some way.


19th Jan 2023

The Mummy (1999)

Revealing mistake: In the first shot of the movie, the camera moves from the Sphinx through a town square. If you pay attention to the people in the crowd, it becomes painfully obvious which people are real (who were filmed in front of a green screen and composed into the scene) and which people are CGI. There's at least 4 (likely more) CGI people in the town square to populate it more, and they all noticeably move with a stiff, generic "walk-cycle" and even look slightly "blocky," like they're low-polygon models.


9th Nov 2022

Spawn (1997)

Revealing mistake: When Al picks up the locket from the coffin, it emits a sort-of ethereal, magical "glow." However, you can see where this glow simply "ends." There is a hard, square-shaped line around the glow where it simply stops. Poor blending of the effect. (This is best visible in the Blu-Ray, but is also visible in the DVD and VHS versions).


7th Nov 2022

Halloween II (1981)

Revealing mistake: When Michael emerges on fire from the blown up room, if you look closely, you can see plain as day the moment when they light the stunt man on fire for the stunt. (Suddenly you see fire erupt in the shape of Michael's body.) And if you look VERY closely, shortly before this you can even briefly kind of see the stuntman playing Michael in the doorway waiting to be lit on fire. (The bottom half of his body is visible for a split-second a moment before they light him up).


26th Oct 2022

Arachnophobia (1990)

Revealing mistake: When the flaming "general" spider is killed, there's several mistakes. When it leaps, it suddenly "freezes" in mid-air for a second before the nail hits it. Then, when we see the nail hit it, you can see a wire attached to it, plain as day, to yank it back. Then, when it hits the egg-sack, you can see several fake spiders attached to it, which don't move at all. Then the egg sack catches on fire, but the flames come from behind the sack, even though the general hit the front.


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