
Continuity mistake: When Jay Twistle calls Chris, he says the interviews are "the day after tomorrow." The interview are at least 3 days later, as the next day Chris picks up his son from daycare, and 2 days afterwards is when he's painting his house.


Question: Why does Barty Crouch Jr. flee when the prisoner says his name? Surely the minister's son could easily claim that the desperate prisoner trying to get out of jail's claim is completely false. And was the man in prison in that scene the Damstrung headmaster, and if yes, is that why he and Moody (Crouch) were so suspicious of each other in the trophy room right after Harry's name was drawn?


Chosen answer: Even though Barty Jr. could claim he was being set up, he would have been interrogated using veritase serum, a potion that forces wizards to tell the truth. Some can circumvent its effect, but Barty was not a talented enough wizard to do this. The prisoner who implicated him in that scene was Igor Karkaroff, who became headmaster of Durmstrang, the wizard school that was participating in the Triwizard Tournament. Karkiroff was a Death Eater who defected to Dumbledore's side. Moody (a disguised Barty Jr.) would never have trusted him under any circumstances. Karkaroff had been previously pursued and captured by the real Mad Eye Moody, and would naturally have a negative reaction to being around him.


Answer: Barty Crouch Jr. appeared to be a fanatical Voldemort supporter, not unlike Bellatrix Lestrange and several other death eaters. They refused to deny their allegiance. This differs from the book, where Barty does protest his innocence, but his father refuses to spare him mercy to set an example.

Answer: He didn't attempt to flee. He tried to kill the prisoner for exposing him and for betraying Voldemort.

Question: Why is Harry not punished by Snape for almost killing Malfoy in the bathroom?


Chosen answer: Snape wants to know how Harry knew Sectum Sempra. As shown by him using Occumelancy to see where his copy of Advanced Potion making is. But at the same time, if Snape punished Harry for a spell in a book, Harry could show it to Dumbledore, who would recognise Snape's handwriting. Additionally, Harry was certainly punished in the book - he got detention with Snape every Saturday for the rest of the term. The movie most likely had to cut this for time issues, and also perhaps because the scene is more dramatic if Snape only silently glares at him.


Question: When Hermione goes to Gringotts disguised as Bellatrix, the bank manager asks to see her wand. Hermione has Bellatrix's wands from the previous film. Why does she not simply show it?


Chosen answer: Hermione knows this is an unusual request and she and (and Harry) suspect the bank knows that Bellatrix's wand was captured by Harry Potter (at the end of Part 1). Showing the bank manager the real wand would prove that this is not Bellatrix. The bank and Voldemort's minions expected that Harry and the others might go to Gringotts searching for a Horcrux in the Lestrange's vault. They are setting a trap for Harry and his accomplices.


Incidentally, if I remember right, in the book Hermione actually does hand over Bellatrix's wand, not realizing the Gringotts goblins already know the wand is no longer in her possession, forcing Harry to cast a timely Imperius Curse to avoid the entire plan being exposed.

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