
12th Feb 2013

Four Christmases (2008)

Character mistake: During the Nativity play, Pastor Phil says, "Are we ready to see the result of the Immaculate Conception?" The term 'Immaculate Conception' refers to the conception of the Virgin Mary (conceived without Original Sin), not to the conception of Jesus. Furthermore, the Immaculate Conception is a dogma of the Catholic Church, and not something which a Protestant pastor like Phil would believe in.

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Suggested correction: The immaculate conception refers to Mary conceiving Jesus. It was Immaculate because she was a virgin carrying God's child. The Virgin birth (Jesus birth) is in the New Testament and every Christian (Protestant and Catholic) believe the story of the Virgin Mary and birth of Jesus.

The Immaculate Conception is indeed the belief that Mary was born without Original Sin (and thus was immaculate, meaning spotless or clean), although some religions teach Mary was born in sin and made immaculate through the Holy Spirit. The birth of Jesus is known as the Virgin Birth (one could even use the phrase "virgin conception.") Immaculate Conception has nothing to do with being born of a virgin.


20th Apr 2017

Bates Motel (2013)

The Convergence of the Twain - S5-E2

Continuity mistake: Norma's headstone gives a year of death as 2015. It also gives Norman's birth year as 1995, making him 20 when she died, but it is repeatedly stated that Norman is 18 when he enters Pine view, and Norma died 2 weeks later.

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Suggested correction: Norma doesn't die 2 weeks after they move to Pineview, she dies roughly 2 years later. Dylan & Emma have a baby, then in later scenes a 2/3 year old child.

Pineview Institute is the mental hospital Norman enters (during season 4) and they say he's 18 and has to sign the consent forms. Then at the end of season 4, Norman kills his mother (Norma), which is about 2 weeks later. The city the Bates moved to is White Pine Bay. In season 5 (which is set 2 years after season 4 ends) every time we see Norma, it's Norman hallucinating as she's already dead.


She didn't die two weeks after she moved to white pine bay, she died two weeks after she got married to Alex.

21st Jan 2018

Stargate SG-1 (1997)

Answer: Technically Calder's people were doing the digging themselves. The planet basically had a caste system and the working class citizens had to do the digging as slaves while the upper class citizen got to live on the surface. All the workers underground were citizens of the planet except for SG-1. However, Calder was also trying to preserve this caste system because he wanted to stay in power and the upper class enjoyed their lifestyle. I don't see it so much as being lazy but more like, why do something yourself when you can get someone else to do it.


Then what would you call being lazy?

Laying around, not doing anything when you could be, or are suppose to be, doing something. In this episode, the upper class people still had jobs, they just didn't do the dangerous, dirty, and labor intensive jobs.


Question: In the climactic scene with Starling at the killer's house, the house is plunged into darkness. Did Jodie Foster actually act this scene in total darkness or is she just really good at pretending to be blind?

Answer: Jodie Foster has said they shot this with light, and that she had to pretend to act in darkness. You can tell because of the shadow cast by Buffalo Bill's gun - in actual darkness, it's impossible to cast a shadow.

Answer: It is not impossible to cast a shadow in light, darkness is infinite...this is proven by people who take night vision goggles deep into underground subway systems, their bodies cast shadows the goggles can see.

With night-vision goggles, you will only see shadows if there is enough local illumination (such as moonlight). In total darkness (and even outside where only starlight is present), there are no shadows. In an underground subway, the only way to see shadows with night-vision is if some lights are on.


Question: Who is Maisey a clone of? I know her 'mother' died in a car crash but when she asked if her mother visited the park a long time ago, Lockwood answered with "a long time ago" and the camera pans out to a model of the original park.

Answer: Masie is a clone of Benjamin Lockwood's daughter. Benjamin's daughter did die in a car accident and when that happened, he wanted to clone her. But John Hammond was against the idea of cloning humans (which is why the partnership broke up). Once John Hammond died, Benjamin went ahead and cloned his daughter. Only, because of the amount of time that passed and his age, Benjamin tells people Masie is his granddaughter and the cover story is Masie's mother died in a car accident, which is why he's raising her. However, I do not know if Benjamin's actual daughter was also named Masie or if that's a new name. I got the impression that Benjamin's actual daughter died at a young age, and since he wanted to clone her right away, he kept the fact that his young daughter died a secret. So as far as most people knew, Benjamin's daughter grew up and had a child and then Benjamin tells people his (adult) daughter died in a car accident.


I think what they mean is if she was a character from the original movies somehow.

His daughter was not an earlier character in the other films. Lockwood is just reflecting on his late daughter, who he loved and misses. Like John Hammond's grandchildren, Lockwood's daughter likely visited the park at some point. His glancing at the original Jurassic Park model seems to be a reference to the cloning procedure that produced Maisie.


In the original movies, no, she's not a character (at least what I can recall). Benjamin Lockwood doesn't even appear in any of the original Jurassic Park trilogy films (I'm not familiar with the books enough to know if any Lockwoods appear in those stories though). In "Fallen Kingdom" it's implied Lockwood's daughter visited the island where Jurassic Park was built, meaning she would have done so prior to the events of the first "Jurassic Park" film.


Question: The SAM missiles continuously chases the fighter jet for a few minutes. In reality, don't SAM missiles only contain enough fuel to fly for about 5 to 10 seconds?

Answer: Surface-to-air missiles come in 3 ranges (long range, medium, and short). Long range missile have a range of 100-150 km (there are some very long ranged missiles that can go up to 400 km). Short range missiles go about 3 km. SAM's are faster than Air-to-Air missiles and can travel around Mach 3 and up to Mach 8, with some that can go faster (so about 1 - 2.7 km/s) I don't know what kind of SAM was used, but long range SAM's are fired from a fixed or semi-movable position and medium ranged SAM's can be fired from vehicle mounted systems.


A behind enemy lines goof from IMDb, says that no missile is capable of chasing the F/A-18 as it is portrayed in the movie. A missiles rocket motor only holds enough fuel for one pass at a target. I don't know if you agree with it or not.

I would disagree with the statement that it wouldn't have enough fuel. However, even after a missile runs out of fuel it can still glide to its target at supersonic speeds for a time. I do think the portrayal of the chase scene is overly dramatic in Hollywood fashion though, particularly for the first SAM fired.


According to the trivia of the film the missile used was a 9m37m missile.

In that case the scene is completely Hollywood and unrealistic. The 9m37m is a short range missile, even though it's vehicle mounted, and has a max range of 5 km and doesn't even reach Mach 2. When the 2nd missile is fired we hear one of the pilots say "3 miles and closing", meaning the SAM shouldn't have been able to catch up to them or chase them down. The film makers probably wanted something cool looking without considering (or caring) what they had or may not have access to a midrange SAM system and pretended it was one.


But don't long range missiles lack the ability to turn fast enough to follow and chase a jet due to the weight of the amount of fuel they carry?

14th Jan 2013

Men in Black 3 (2012)

Correction: Or it could be a reference to M the head of MI6 in the James Bond Movies. It's only trivia if it's true.


The fact that a headstone is seen with the initial "M" is the trivia, which is true. The possibility is mentioned only to tie the trivia back to the previous film, and in real life Michael Jackson died since MIB II. Nothing in the film series suggest it could M from the Bond films as a possibility.


21st Oct 2018

Common mistakes

Corrected entry: Despite being a lawyer, architect or whatever, the male character will have a garage filled with high end, spotlessly clean tools.


Correction: Several issues with this entry being a mistake: - first, how often do we actually see this? If this has happened in some shows, perhaps it would be better expressed as a mistake in those specific shows, instead of 'common'. - second, why a male character? Can't female characters have tools in a garage? - third, the writers may have given the character shiny tools for a reason: the character is wealthy but still handy; they feel they needed to buy the tools to project an image even if they don't use them; they like buying shiny toys (the character does the same with the kitchen or home cinema); somebody else in the family uses them; the character has a hobby or a long term DIY project, etc.

To me, it's a mistake because it almost always feels out of place for the character, their life, lifestyle etc.


Again, do you have an example?


Correction: How is that a mistake?


A garage full of top of the range, specific, expensive and spotlessly clean tools? How many lawyers, office executives etc do you know who perform sophisticated diy projects on a regular basis to need a whole garage full of tools like that?


My brother is a CFO and he built a treehouse for his kids by himself. He has a garage full of nice tools which are kept clean. Clean tools are long lasting tools.


Can you give an example?


1st Oct 2018

A Simple Favor (2018)

Corrected entry: When Faith and Hope meet at the summer camp, they are supposed to be identical twins. Even though they look very similar (possible fraternal twins) you can tell the actresses who play them are not identical twins. Hope has an obvious cleft in her chin but Faith does not.


Correction: Hope and Faith, at age 16, are in fact played by identical twin sisters (Nicole and Lauren Peters). The phenotypical expression of a cleft chin can depend on environmental factors.


I guess I should have been more specific as to when they meet at the summer camp. I am not referring to when they were 16, but when they met at the summer camp as adults when Faith killed her sister by drowning her and ditching her car. The actresses who played the adult twins were obviously not identical twins.


According to IMDB, Blake Lively played both adult twins, so the above makes no sense.

Unless I missed something, Blake Lively plays both Faith and Hope in the scene. There are not two actresses, just the one. Feel free to reply with the name of the actress who played Faith so I can see what I missed.


15th Nov 2009

2012 (2009)

Corrected entry: On many occasions we see whole cities give way and fall into gigantic holes in the earth. So how can there possibly be a Tsunami that covers the whole planet? Much of the water would have poured into the enormous holes and and made it completely impossible.

Gavin Jackson

Correction: Not so. Actually much of Earth's water is underground. In other words, the underground water is more than enough to replace the area left by cities sinking into the Earth. Which could actually contribute to the tsunami, not detract from it.


Most of the Earth's water is not underground, the oceans hold about 96.5 percent of all Earth's water, aquifers account for a small percentage of available water.

Recent studies have suggested that the amount of underground water can be 3 times as much as what is in the oceans. However, this water is trapped in damp ringwoodite, so it's not flowing water like you would find in aquifers.


5th Oct 2018

Young Sheldon (2017)

Correction: Not necessarily; since the second season has begun, they could have progressed to 1990 by this point. It also hasn't been established whether he's had his tenth birthday yet at this point in the series.


Sheldon's birthday is Feb 26, 1980.


I knew his birth year had been established already on BBT; I just didn't know for sure if the date he had a birthday within the parent series corresponded to the "real" world because BBT time only roughly coincides with real-world time in most cases.


While a BBT season may not be a full year or the next episode isn't set one week later (like many sitcoms), because the show relies on pop culture so heavily, like releases of films, etc, I do think BBT is set in the real life timeline, even if a holiday special is set in the "future" (e.g. a Halloween episode is aired 2 weeks before Halloween.) However, with YS being set in the past it can be hard to tell what the exact date is, unless specifically said, and you have to rely on context clues (like a lot of shows set in the real life timeline past). I only replied with his birthday so others could make a decision if the correction is valid. I do not know enough about the episode to know when it's suppose to be set or how long it's been since his birthday (as I did think he was suppose to be 10 in the episode).


27th Jun 2017

Animal House (1978)

Question: What is the musical song called that's played during Otter and Mrs. Wormer's affair in Otter's bedroom?

Answer: It's Bossa Nova music that has no title. It was incidental music composed by Elmer Bernstein for the film.


It's the theme from A Summer place.

The theme from "A Summer Place" is playing when Mrs. Wormer comes into the house. But it's not what is playing when they get into the room.


20th Sep 2018

Happy Face Killer (2014)

Character mistake: When Jesperson imagines himself as a Mountie his uniform is completely wrong and is not even the right colour. As it was his ambition to join the force and he has photos of RCMP officers in his cab, it seems unlikely that he would imagine himself in a completely incorrect uniform.


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Suggested correction: It's not a character mistake, for the reasons stated; it's a clear factual error from the filmmakers.


It's a character mistake since it's his imagination and, as you stated, it's not something the character would get wrong.


Question: If Overgirl is Supergirl from Earth X, and Supergirl gets her powers the same way that Superman does, from sunlight, then how is The Ray, whose powers are based on using yellow light, able to hurt her with his powers? Wouldn't his blasts help her?

Quantom X

Answer: My understanding is the Ray uses pure light for his powers while Superman and Supergirl get their power from the solar energy of a yellow sun, not yellow light.


I see. But if it was from pure light, wouldn't his powers have a white glow and not a yellow glow?

Quantom X

Most likely just a styling choice. I just know the basics details of his powers and not sure why it comes out yellow (or if it's even stated.) Perhaps for the the same reason the sun appears yellow, short wavelength light becomes scattered.


The Beta Test Initiation - S5-E14

Character mistake: Sheldon says (during Fun With Flags) "But like the flag over Fort Sumter, I'm still here." The Sumter flag was lowered when the fort surrendered to the Confederates. The flag over Fort McHenry was never taken down despite the British bombardment and inspired Francis Scott Key to write the National Anthem about it. Whouldn't a vexologist know that?

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Suggested correction: Sheldon is referring to the actual Fort Sumter flag, which still exists and is on display at the Fort Sumter museum.


Sheldon is not referring the actual flag (especially since if the actual flag is in a museum it's not still over Fort Sumter). Sheldon is referencing the line from The Star-Spangled Banner "our flag was still there." Key wrote The Star-Spangled Banner after seeing the flag over Fort McHenry was still there. The writers simply made a mistake and Sheldon the character would know which flag inspired the line. Incidentally, the actual Fort McHenry flag also still exists.


23rd Sep 2018

Cast Away (2000)

Question: What is that green thing that Chuck tries to break open by throwing it against a rock wall, and then by hitting it with a rock? Is it really that difficult to break open?

Answer: They were coconuts. Coconuts come in a green shell which is their husk and they are hard to open up, especially when they get older. Most people use a machete or pick ax to get the husk off.


Is the shell as difficult to break open as shown in the movie?

The film does seem to accurately depict how hard it would be for someone who has never opened one before to get into a green coconut. I've never tried throwing one against a rock wall before though.


I was asking if the shell is as difficult to break open by hitting it with a rock as shown in the movie.

For someone who has never tried opening a green coconut, yes it would be.


The inner shell itself is not that difficult to open. Using a pointed rock, you can break through the round-shaped holes at the end to pour out of the liquid. By hitting the coconut's seam running lengthwise down the shell hard against a rock, it will completely split the shell in two around the circumference.


I'm talking about opening the outer shell, not the inner shell.

Answer: It sure is. You have to be gentle when you break it so all the water doesn't just go everywhere, like it would if you pounded it with say, a large rock.


Stupidity: When the Keymaker is closing the door to the room that leads to the Source, he stands in the doorway resulting in the multiple Agent Smiths gunning him down. He could have easily closed the door without standing in the doorway and consequently would have lived.


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Suggested correction: Who says the door was bullet proof and the Keymaker couldn't have been shot through the door?

Having just viewed the scene on YouTube to verify, the door is definitely bulletproof, as the bullets only produce dents in the door and there are no visible holes from the other side of the door when it is closed.


The point of the stupidity is that he shouldn't have been in the doorway at all, even if the door wasn't bulletproof, there was no need for him to even stand behind the closed door. He could have pushed the door closed from the side.


It seems to be a heavy door, he simply couldn't close it with just his arm, thus he had to move his body forwards in order to close it. In that brief moment he got shot before the door closed. He could have for example kicked the door shut but he simply didn't think of that at that moment, also not knowing the Smiths were about to fire a volley of bullets at them.


9th Jun 2014

Footloose (1984)

Trivia: Dianne Wiest plays Lori Singer's mother in the movie, even though in real life she's only 9 or 11 years older than Singer, depending on which resource you use for her birth date.

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Suggested correction: Per Wikipedia Dianne west was born in 1946 and Lori singer in 1957.11 years.

You shouldn't believe everything you read on Wikipedia. Wiest (not West) was born March 28, 1948. Not 1946.


Corrected entry: Banshee shouldn't be able to fly, or even glide, while he carries Havok off the battleship.

Correction: What evidence is there that he can't? Part of his mutant ability is the power to fly/glide while carrying one passenger.


Flight is not his inherent power. He can achieve flight using his sonic powers in conjunction with the "wings" in his suit, but he needs both hands/wings to fly. Havok should have jumped on Banshee's back instead of dangling by the hand, effectively disabling one of the wings.

I never said flight was one of his inherent abilities. He doesn't need both hands to fly, all he needs to do is catch supersonic sound waves at the correct angle, and he has the ability to do this while carrying one passenger.


Revealing mistake: At the end, there is a group of people with their backs to the camera, facing & waving to the Fantastic 4. As the F4 fly towards the camera and out of the shot, the crowd turns to continue waving to them. One small boy in white remains facing the wrong way, still waving, until another child grabs the back of his clothes & turns him to face the right way.

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Suggested correction: Not necessarily a mistake. Little kids can have a hard time keeping track of/focusing on things. I know little kids that have a hard time looking in the direction of the camera when their picture is being taken.


There's a difference between not looking at a camera when you don't care about having your picture taken and being able to follow superheroes that pass you, especially if you're waving at them. The reason it's a revealing mistake is because everyone involved had to pretend superheroes were passing them and the kid didn't know when to turn.


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