
30th Jul 2018

Monk (2002)

Mr. Monk and the Election - S3-E15

Character mistake: Captain Stottlemeyer uses gloves to pick up the letter found sticking out of the pipe. He doesn't actually put the glove on, but still uses it to avoid getting any of his prints, skin, etc on the paper. But then he uses his other, non-gloved hand to open up the note and hold it, and Monk also touches the letter. If he cared about not contaminating evidence by using the glove, he wouldn't touch it bare handed and if he didn't care about touching the note bare handed, then he wouldn't have used the gloves.


22nd Jun 2018

iZombie (2015)

Blue Bloody - S4-E2

Character mistake: Vampire Steve says the safe has over a trillion possible combinations, but it's only a 6-digit code, which is only 1 million possible combinations. Even if letters could be used in the combination, that would only be a little over 2 billion possible combinations.


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Suggested correction: If there were a passcode consisting of numbers and/or letters, there'd be 36 possible character choices (26 letters, 10 numbers) - Even if you were forced to discount passcodes between 1-5 characters long, there's still a possible 10,314,424,798,490,536,936,184,856,096 (10 octillion) possible 6 digit passwords.

You mixed up your numbers. To figure out the number of combination you simply multiple the number of options for each spot in the password. While there was nothing to suggest it was a alphanumeric code, we'll assume it was. The first character has 36 options. Adding a second character gives 1,296 combinations (36*36). Since there's 6 characters that's 36*36*36*36*36*36. Which is the same a 36^6 (36 to the 6th power). You're saying it's 6^36 meaning there's only 6 options, but 36 spots (a 36-character password instead of a 6-character password).


22nd Jun 2018

iZombie (2015)

7th Jan 2018

Continuum (2012)

Second Time - S2-E13

Character mistake: When Kiera is begging one of the Freelancers to send her back she says she could "prevent Liber8 from ever coming to 2077." She should have either said "coming to 2012" or "leaving 2077."


The Chicago Way - S2-E8

Character mistake: When the Legends are talking about Chicago in the 20's, during prohibition, Nate says there was "illegal drinking." But prohibition didn't make drinking alcohol illegal. It was only the production, importation, transportation, or sale of alcohol that was illegal. As a historian, Nate would know this and not make that statement.


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Suggested correction: The term "Illegal drinking" is actually in reference to people going to locations that were selling alcohol illegally to drink it, hence it is illegal drinking.

That still would not be illegal drinking.


25th Oct 2017

American Dad (2005)

20th Oct 2017

Silent Rage (1982)

Character mistake: During the surgery, one of the surgeons says to give the patient 25 cc's of cyatril. Then one says make it 35 cc's. 35 cc's (or 35 mL) is a full large syringe. The other doctor uses what looks like a 3 mL syringe and it's only partly filled. It seems the surgeons wanted 0.35 cc's.


Ashes to Ashes - S6-E18

Character mistake: When the now human Borg children are sculpting, one of the children tell Seven he made a cube that's precisely 1/1,000 the size of a Borg vessel. Borg Cubes are described as 3 kilometers in length, if not bigger. 1/1,000 of that would be more than 9.8 feet in length. 1/10,000 the size would have been a more accurate description.


Memorial - S6-E14

Character mistake: B'Elanna replicates and assembles a television from 1956, including a remote control. Tom however says they didn't have remote controls in the 50's. The first wireless remote was invented in 1955 and the "Zenith Space Command" (a remote looking similar to the one in use) came out in 1956, which fits the timeline. Tom is vastly aware of 1950's technology (he seems to know when the television remote came out) and wouldn't make that mistake or B'Elanna would have corrected him given how much research she had to do to set the whole thing up.


11:59 - S5-E23

Character mistake: Neelix says that the Great Wall of China, prior to the 22nd century, was the only man-made object visible to the naked eye from orbit. This statement has been long-since debunked, but it's not unreasonable to think the myth perpetuated itself in the future. Still wrong though.


Gravity - S5-E13

Character mistake: Captain Janeway states the temporal differential ratio is .4744 seconds per minute (meaning for every minute on the surface, only .4744 seconds pass on Voyager). Tuvok calculates that 30 minutes on Voyager would be 2 days 11 hours and 47 seconds. However, at that ratio, 30 minutes would be 2 days 15 hours 14 minutes and 15.9 seconds. Later Tom (who was on the surface) says the last two months for them was only 2 days for B'Elanna (who was on Voyager). But with the temporal differential, 2 months on the surface would be less than 12 hours on Voyager. 2 days on Voyager would be almost 253 days (almost 8.5 months) on the surface.


30th May 2017

Tommy Boy (1995)

Character mistake: When Tommy is looking at his grade, the names are suppose to be in alphabetical order. However, "Blackburn, William" appears after "Bollen, Max" when it should have come before.


30th May 2017

Stargate SG-1 (1997)

Emancipation - S1-E4

Character mistake: After trading the pistol for Carter, Jack says "there's only 5 more rounds in that clip." However, the pistol didn't have a clip, it had a magazine, which is completely different. As a member of the Air Force who has been trained in firearms, he would know the difference.


4th May 2017

Kyle XY (2006)

This Is Not a Test - S1-E5

Character mistake: When Kyle is re-taking the test at the end of the school day, you see him bubble in 4 answer and turn the page and continue to answer questions. However there were 7 questions on the first page so he ended up putting the answer to #8 on #5 of the scantron. Kyle is too smart to do this.


23rd Mar 2017

Community (2009)

Accounting for Lawyers - S2-E2

Character mistake: At the party, Jeff is talking to Ted about his parents' divorce, which included a custody hearing. Jeff mentions the divorce lawyer drove a Mercedes SLK. However, the SLK didn't come out until 1996, which would make Jeff at least 21 (turning 22) at the time of the divorce (he was born Nov 1974). There would have been no need for a custody hearing (Jeff was an only child between his mom and dad) and his parents divorced when he was very young, so the divorce had to happen prior to 1996.


5th Sep 2016

The Simpsons (1989)

22nd Jun 2016

Dirty Harry (1971)

Character mistake: The bus driver identifies herself as Marcella Platt, but after they get off the phone, the cop who checks her out calls her Priscilla Platt.


White Knights - S1-E4

Character mistake: After Ray Palmer says he's an Eagle Scout, he says to Leonard Snart, "be helpful to others, scout's motto." The Boy Scout's motto (including Eagle Scouts) is "Be Prepared." "To help others at all times" is part of the Scout's oath, but that's different than its motto and not something an Eagle Scout would mix up.


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Suggested correction: It was a joke, that applied to the situation. Wasn't meant to be literal.


There is zero indication of any joke, implied or otherwise, especially since he could have correctly said "oath."


Alexander and the Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Day mistake picture

Character mistake: When Mr. Rogue is spinning the globe to assign countries to the students he spins for Albert Morio, and he puts his finger just west of North America and says "Lebanon." Lebanon is in Asia, slightly northeast of Egypt and we can see Egypt on the globe on the other side of where his finger is at. He's nowhere near Lebanon.


20th Mar 2015

Iron Man 3 (2013)

Character mistake: Killian tell Pepper the "primary somatosensory cortex" is the pain center. However, this is a gross exaggeration someone of his knowledge would not say. One, the area handles all tactile (touch) receptions. And two, other areas of the brain handle pain, so there's not a "pain center." However, the area that lights up is also wrong, because only the right side would be stimulated since it was his left arm that was touched.


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