
13th Jan 2009

Saw II (2005)

Question: Jigsaw needed Daniel to get through the game safe and sound so that he could put him in a safe and later present him to his father. Amanda was also included in the plan. How could Jigsaw be sure that the boy or Amanda wouldn't die from the gas? Or did they already have an antidote?

Answer: Notice how Amanda doesn't cough up blood or have a bloody nose. She clearly had some kind of antidote other then the needles. As for the second question, look when Eric is in the room with the safe and notices the needle on the floor. Amanda gave that to Daniel.

Answer: So Jigsaw doesn't really want to kill Daniel?

No. He used Daniel as bait to get Eric to stay there with him. Daniel was also the key to everyone in the game being linked.


Answer: I figured either those two were given an antidote, or because he says an odourless gas, I figured they shot the other ones up with something that will work in 2 hours.

Question: Why did Ripper bite Vernon's leg? Did he think he was inflating Marge, or was Harry using his magic to control the dog into doing it?


Answer: Ripper is just a mean dog and badly raised by Marge (who is a dog breeder).


Answer: That, and he was also instinctively protecting his awful mistress.

Plus some dogs are just nasty and bite for the sake of it.


Show generally

Question: What episode is it where they show Doug eating a extra hamburger before he gets home. Or he orders an extra burger he hides from Carrie?

Answer: Cowardly Lyin'.

Answer: This sounds like the 13th episode of season 4 titled Food Fight. Spencer's girlfriend gets Doug to taste her food much to Carrie's annoyance. Leading him to hide food from her.


It's actually the episode "Cowardly Lyin'." When Carrie asks Doug to tell her some things that he normally lies about, Doug says that he sometimes eats a "pre-dinner" burger.

That is true, there is also the episode Food Fight, where Douglas still hides food he is eating from Carrie.


2nd Feb 2015

24 (2001)

Day 6: 4:00 AM - 5:00 AM - S6-E23

Question: When VP Daniels and Tom are in the oval office talking about K Hayes and B Buchanan, as Tom leaves the room it cuts to a close up of VP Daniels. Just behind him is a photograph in a frame where the photo somehow moves? Was this intentional, as it caught my eye and I cannot explain it.


Answer: This is unintentional and a simple continuity mistake.


17th Feb 2004

Bad Boys II (2003)

Question: The part in the movie where Marcus is getting out of the pool, he asks his son to get his bolts and a screwdriver.... Why would you ask for bolts and a screwdriver?

Answer: He was using the ladder to get out and felt that it was very loose, so he is going to fix it.

T Poston

You don't use a screw driver to tighten bolts tho.


Question: What causes pressure in an oil well?

Answer: That largely goes back to how oil is formed: from dead organic material. That sinks to the bottom of the sea, and if certain layers of sediment build up over that, it gets buried deep enough that's it's compressed, and after enough time passes, it becomes oil. But that pressure from the massive weight of miles and miles of rock on top of it never actually goes away, so when you poke a hole in it, that pressure suddenly has a way to go, via the oil spewing up through the well.


So basically the pressure is created by massive weight of miles and miles of rock on top of the oil that creates the well pressure. Is that correct?



Geologic forces are one thing, but there are different types of petroleum wells, ranging from crude oil to natural gas to combinations thereof. The lattermost, a oil/gas well, is most dangerous because it can suddenly start spewing natural gas when crude oil was expected. Tapping into an oil/gas well can be like popping the top on a can of soda: Gases are released from the fluid and expand rapidly, creating immense and unexpected pressure. In the case of the can of soda, the thing unexpectedly spews soda all over you and your clothing. In the case of an oil/gas well, the thing unexpectedly undergoes a gas blow-out and, potentially, a catastrophic explosion when it reaches the surface.

Charles Austin Miller

18th Oct 2017

Deepwater Horizon (2016)

Question: Is it true Jimmy Harrell was taking a shower as the disaster began?

Answer: Yes. There are actually many cases where the actors portray what the actual people were doing at the time of the disaster. Another example is when the guy (I can't remember his name off the top of my head) rubs mud off the main drill pipe.


The guy who rubs the mud off the main pipe name is Caleb.

Thanks it's been a few weeks since I last watched the film.


Answer: Yes.

13th Dec 2017

Young Sheldon (2017)

Answer: It is shown numerous time in The Big Bang Theory and Young Sheldon that Georgir Jr is not the smartest kid going. They simply tell him Sheldon is getting a hair cut as it is believable. It's also shown that Sheldon has had the same style hair cut since he was 5. Since he is 9 in Young Sheldon, he's had the same style for over 4 years already. Easy to overlook that he hadn't actually had it cut after that long.


27th Oct 2017

Saw (2004)

Question: When Tapp and Sing arrive at Jigsaw's warehouse in their car, Sing can be heard loading his shotgun. It sounds a lot like the "reloading shotgun" sound effect from Half-Life 2. Is it?


Answer: It is unlikely as Saw had its first release on January 14th 2004 at the Sundance film festival. Half Life 2 had its first commercial release on November 19th 2004.


Answer: He has no concept of money and simply cannot budget at all. Therefore it is likely he squandered his money.


Answer: Scientists actually hardly make any money. Raj is almost fully supported by his parents to live like he lives.


22nd Sep 2007

Titanic (1997)

Question: Before dinner, when Rose is telling Jack the name of people who are gathered downstairs, she points out a man who has a wife who is Rose's age, and says that his wife is in "delicate condition", that she's trying to hide it, and it's "quite the scandal." If the couple is married, why does the woman want to hide her pregnancy?

Answer: At this time, and particularly in higher society, most personal matters concerning women, and particularly a pregnancy, was considered something extremely private. This would be never be discussed openly with strangers. The man in question is John Jacob Astor IV, and the woman is his second wife, Madeleine, who was 29 years his junior, hence the possible source of the "scandal."


Madeleine actually survived the disaster and went on to have the child.


Answer: At the time, it was a big scandal surrounding John Jacob Astor's divorce then marriage to Madeline, even his grown sons were in opposition. It wasn't until after the sinking that the sons met with her in support.

Answer: She has Polio. Taken from Wikipedia: Poliomyelitis, often called polio or infantile paralysis, is an infectious disease caused by the poliovirus. In about 0.5 percent of cases there is muscle weakness resulting in an inability to move. This can occur over a few hours to a few days. The weakness most often involves the legs but may less commonly involve the muscles of the head, neck and diaphragm. Many but not all people fully recover.


Question: Would Mrs Weasley's boggart have eventually shown Hermione's dead body as well? I know she's not family but neither is Harry, yet his was shown?


Answer: Mrs. Weasley certainly liked Hermione, but she did not consider her the same as she did Harry. Hermione had a family whereas Harry was an orphan, and Mrs. Weasley was a mother-like figure to him. It's unlikely the boggart would have shown Hermione's corpse, at least at this point. That would have changed after Hermione became her daughter-in-law, although Voldemort was dead by then.


Answer: While we will never know for sure, it's safe to assume that it would since the boggart shows your worst fear. Mrs Weasley loves all her family, and is often shown to consider Harry and Hermione as part of her family.


Question: What is the background music playing when the kids first enter the Mullins house?

Answer: It's an original piece called 'A New Home' by Benjamin Wallfisch.


18th Oct 2017

General questions

I am looking for an action movie set in either the 20's, 30's or 40's that came out within the last three years.

Answer: Finding movies released in the last 3 years is difficult, but some films set in the 20s-40s are: Allied - 2016 Public Enemies - 2009 Cinderella Man - 2005 Hugo - 2011.


31st Oct 2017

Saw (2004)

Question: How is it known that Amanda was supposed to put the key around Adam's neck?

Answer: Since she was helping Jigsaw with his "game", chances are he told her to do it.

Answer: I don't recall at any point John telling Amanda to put the key around Adam's neck. That is completely made up.

Amanda was Jigsaw's accomplice so it would make sense for him to tell her to do it.

Just because it "makes sense" doesn't make it canon.

We don't actually need to see Jigsaw tell Amanda to put the key Adam's neck. Amanda is Jigsaw's accomplice and will do anything he tells her too. Including, offscreen, have Amanda place the key on Adam.

The whole process had to be planned beforehand. Ample time for it to be explained.


Answer: Everything is meticulously planned out by Jigsaw. He is extremely methodical and would have told Amanda exactly what needs to be done.


Answer: It makes sense, since Adam's game was about looking at himself for a change, instead of others. The tape states: "What do voyeurs see when they look into the mirror?" So, if Adam had looked at himself, he would have found the key on him.

21st Mar 2005

Saw (2004)

Question: My gripe is why did the doctor cut off his foot to get to the phone/gun? He was of mind enough to use his shirt to tie around his leg - why not use his shirt to retrieve the phone/gun. Also can't mobile phones set to receive only still make calls to directory enquiries and emergency services?

Answer: It is doubtful there can be a precise correct answer to this, unless you happen to be the screenwriter. However, it can be presumed that the doctor resorted to the skills he had down cold, almost automatic, as opposed to attempting any further creative problem-solving because he was at his wits' end, in a very traumatic situation. He knows how to tourniquet and amputate.

Rooster of Doom

Answer: Dr Gordon had been mentally abused for close to 8 hours by this point. As the situation got more grave he resorts to more drastic (and quicker) methods to try and win his game to save his family. We are shown throughout later films that FBI agent Hoffman (who doesn't appear on screen until Saw 3) is working with Jigsaw at this point already, so has access to high end tech. Enough to manipulate a phone's abilities.


Answer: So he could escape.

The question wasn't why he cut off his foot. It was why he didn't use his shirt to retrieve the gun.

Question: What happened to the District 2 members who surrendered?


Answer: Held captive by the Capitol until the capitol was liberated. They were then released.


Question: Harry was reminded by Ron of another Gryffindor Quidditch player who sat under the tree they were revising under and rumpled his hair but who was that? Was it James?


Answer: Yes. James Potter, Harry's father.


25th Dec 2017

Friends (1994)

Answer: Joey wanted to move to LA and be a big actor for the longest time so getting the apartment was not a step in that direction.

Answer: Finances could be a major part. It's established that Monica gets the apartment dirt cheap from her aunt. And Joey struggles to afford the small apartment on his own as shown in other episodes.


Given that he gave out a cheque for $2000 to Monica, I think Days of Our Lives has given him a stable financial life, just as it did in S2 when he was able to pay Chandler back when he was making decent money.

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