
27th Oct 2004

Freddy Vs. Jason (2003)

Continuity mistake: When the sheriff says, "Or so help me God I will lock you up," to Stubbs, you see the sheriff lift his hand with the cigar up. When it cuts his hand is down. (00:51:00)


27th Oct 2004

Predator (1987)

Audio problem: After Dutch has fired the rocket at the Predator standing on the log, the Predator shoots several times. Then you can hear it shoot one more time, but you can't see any blast coming from it. (01:24:35)


Continuity mistake: When Jimmy gets to Oz's office, Oz is leaning on a rack with two jackets. It falls down and Oz picks it up again, but now only one jacket is on the rack. When it cuts, suddenly both jackets are hanging on it. (01:17:35)


Revealing mistake: Every time there is a wide shot of the dragon flying it never flaps its wings. But when there is a close up, it is flapping its wings. (00:28:10)


Continuity mistake: When Oz and Cynthia are discussing her pregnancy and she says "Don't ruin this," a waitress pours wine into Oz's glass, then she stops. When it cuts, she is still pouring wine into the glass. (00:17:45)


27th Oct 2004

The Italian Job (2003)

Continuity mistake: When we are looking back to when Charlie was a kid we see the thug kid walking by some kids before he slaps the book out of the other kid's hands. When it cuts, one of the girls that the thug just passed by suddenly is far down the hall. She couldn't have gotten there that fast. (00:31:15)


Continuity mistake: When Jill is pointing her gun at Jimmy, she changes between gripping the gun with both hands and with one hand. This happens multiple times during the scene. (01:26:25)


Continuity mistake: When Jimmy says "Murdering another human being can be a moving experience" to Jill, you see Jill wiping her nose on Jimmy's collar. When it cuts she isn't wiping. (00:06:35)


Continuity mistake: When Chong is walking by his father you see him carrying some items in his hand. When it cuts he is carrying the items in another way. (00:02:20)


Continuity mistake: When Oz and Jimmy are getting drunk and Jimmy says "God is counting my seeds" you see him holding his left hand to his head. When it cuts he is pointing with his left hand. (00:52:25)


Continuity mistake: At the bar, when they are drinking, Jimmy asks Oz if he had a good relationship with his father. Oz takes a sip from his bottle. When it cuts, the bottle is gone. (00:54:30)


Audio problem: When Bastian puts Auryn under his shirt, there's a "bling" sound like Auryn hits another piece of metal, like a medallion or necklace. However Bastian isn't wearing any other metal. (00:11:55)


Continuity mistake: When the waitress is done pouring wine into Oz's glass, she puts the bottle into the wine cooler. When it cuts to a closeup of Cynthia, the waitress is still holding the bottle. (00:17:45)


Continuity mistake: When Cheech pulls down his cap in front of his eyes and shouts "I'm blind" you can see some cars stop beside them. When it cuts the cars are gone. (00:17:30)


Continuity mistake: When Cheech and Chong have parked the car and Cheech asks "Am I driving OK?", Chong is holding the joint. When it cuts, the joint is gone. (00:13:35)


Continuity mistake: When Cheech sings "Keep on knocking but you can't come in" to the cop, you see the cop pointing at the car window. When it cuts the cop isn't pointing anymore. (00:16:15)


Continuity mistake: After Chong fights with with his parents, he walks away and his mother is looking at him smiling. When it cuts, she is suddenly doing her toenails. (00:02:25)


Continuity mistake: When Chong is on the phone with Cheech and about to go outside you can see a man in a white hat dancing by himself. When it cuts the same man is dancing with a woman. (00:31:00)


Other mistake: When Cheech and Chong are crossing the street talking about Cheech's uncle, two buses are coming. When the second bus passes by the camera, a kid on the bus waves his hand to the camera. (00:38:15)


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