Gavin Jackson

11th Aug 2022

Virtuosity (1995)

Question: What exactly is the crowd chanting at the fighting match? It's sounds like "Go Rumba" or something but I can't make it out.

Gavin Jackson

Question: When we first see Alan Grant, he and his team are excavating old dinosaur bones. Given that this is a time when Dinosaurs roam freely on earth, why is he even bothering? He could learn far more from simply studying a live dinosaur than its bones. And secondly, given that dinosaurs are alive and free, who is gonna have the slightest interest in bones that are millions of years old. I considered this a goof, but I'm opened to any explanations.

Gavin Jackson

Answer: The live dinosaurs are genetically tweaked recreations, they're not the "pure" dinosaurs of the past, which would still be of great interest. Plus just like any other archaeology or historical study, there's always more to be learned about the past, and a great many people are interested in what the past has to teach us.

Answer: Agree with the other answer but would add that while to date about 1000 species of dinosaurs have been identified, it is believed there are at least 1,000 more types that existed and are still to be discovered and studied. Only a tiny fraction of the known species were cloned by In-Gen and Biosyn, and, as noted in the other answer, they are not genetically pure. Also, there is much to learn about dinosaurs' habitat, range, species evolution and decline, mating habits, health and diet, the existing climate at the time, and so on. That would be why paleontologists like Alan Grant continue digging.


Answer: The existing answers are good. In the movie, Alan Grant actually asked, "Why do we dig?" and answered his question, "Because paleontology is science [fossil animals and plants], and science is about the truth. And there is truth in these rocks." [00:20:52].


16th May 2022

Robocop 2 (1990)

Stupidity: Dr Faxx knew full well that Nuke was Cain's greatest weakness, but it never occurred to her to mention to the old man that holding a canister of it in front of him during the exhibition could have serious consequences. Not very bright.

Gavin Jackson

Other mistake: When the villains Patrick and Jack decide to go into the forest and pursue Hannah and the boy, all they take with them is their large guns and nothing else. Yet later on, they are both firing countless, endless rounds of bullets at Hannah, Ethan and the boy. Where did all the extra ammunition come from? They weren't carrying any bags and their tight suits don't seem to be holding anything.

Gavin Jackson

16th Sep 2021

Avengers: Endgame (2019)

Question: At the end when Gamora and the Good Nebula are speaking, Gamora asks Nebula what happens in the future and Nebula responds that she tried to kill her many times, but they eventually became friends. Why didn't Nebula bother to tell Gamora that Thanos killed her to get the Soul Stone. Seems odd that she left that out.

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: Nebula already alluded to Gamora being killed by Thanos earlier when she said something along the lines "You know what he does to you?" In this scene in question, Gamora is already disillusioned with Thanos and frees Nebula from captivity to battle him, thus it's not necessary to show the audience Nebula telling Gamora what Thanos did to her. She may have told her offscreen while they were on their way to find the evil Nebula.


Question: I am curious about one scene. After Bender gets his "stash" back from Brian, Andrew looks at Claire and shakes his head. Claire walks off and Andrew and Brian have some kind of whisper exchange and Brian then walks off. My interpretation of this scene is Andrew has just dumped Claire and Brian can't understand why he"s done it. If not, could someone explain this scene to me?

Gavin Jackson

Answer: It's rather simple. Andrew is trying to tell Claire and Brian not to go smoke pot with Bender, in addition to trying to hold back from his own desire to try it.


Answer: Andrew and Claire were never a couple. They knew each other casually in the school hallway. They were upset that Bender would use Brian to hold his "stash." They thought Brian was too smart to do something that stupid. They were also upset at Bender for bring his stash to school and involving someone else in his scheme. They were starting to become friends at this point and disappointed at both of them.

7th May 2021

24 (2001)

Answer: It's never explained but my best guess would be that to assassinate a president-elect, they would hire a solid professional used to taking out high-profile targets who could remain anonymous. After the failed attempt he would likely have changed his face again and remained in the shadows till new work came along.


Show generally

Question: Why is Tom Clancy credited as an executive producer on this show considering he passed away 5 years before the show went into production?

Gavin Jackson

Answer: As he is the author who created the Jack Ryan character that was adapted into a successful movie franchise, he could be credited as an executive producer for any TV or movie projects both before and after he died. It was announced in 2015 that the series would be produced for Amazon. Clancy died in late 2013, and he probably was involved in the series' earliest stages or discussions just prior to his death, and therefore would be credited posthumously. The title of TV or movie "executive producer" is fairly broad and can include one or more function, including securing financing, production oversight, creative input, script consultation, story concept, and more. Clancy's estate would likely continue to be involved under his name following his passing and receive profits and royalties.


While his estate would receive the profits, it's not automatic that Clancy would receive credit as a executive producer just because he wrote the novels. Authors like Michael Crichton, Douglas Adams haven't been credited as an executive producer after their death for use of their characters and works. Clancy's estate must be involved in the production in some way and rather than credit the estate, they credit the man.


Most likely his estate would be involved, through surviving family members, lawyers, etc. to act on his behalf in his name. No one said it was "automatic." It would have been a contract arrangement made while he was alive and that would continue posthumously. Whatever Michael Crichton or Douglas Adams did was a different arrangement for whatever reason they chose.


Nothing in your answer suggested anything about a contract arrangement (which if true would be the reason). You implied it was automatic. You said "as the author...he would be credited...for any...projects", but that simply is not true.


24th Feb 2021

The Fall Guy (1981)

Strange Bedfellows - S2-E17

Continuity mistake: When the intruder sneaks into Jody's apartment, he is wearing black leather jeans. When he and Jody are fighting, he is suddenly wearing black denim jeans. After beating Jody and tying her up, he is back in his leather jeans again and keeps them on for the rest of the episode.

Gavin Jackson

11th Feb 2021

The Fall Guy (1981)

11th Feb 2021

The Fall Guy (1981)

11th Feb 2021

The Fall Guy (1981)

P.S. I Love You - S2-E20

Trivia: When Colt finds Syringes in Cassie's bag, she explains that she is a Type 1 Diabetic which stunted her growth. In real life Dana Hill who played Cassie was indeed a Type 1 Diabetic which did indeed stunt her growth. Sadly the actress would pass away from a diabetes related illness in 1996.

Gavin Jackson

Other mistake: When Wolverine and John Wraith arrive in New Orleans, the street is jammed with people and the casino they find Gambit in is also completely full of patrons. Yet somehow Wolverine being thrown through a wall, his loud shouting, his slicing a fire-ladder to pieces and Gambits massive shock thrust somehow draws absolutely no attention from anyone except the main characters.

Gavin Jackson

13th Oct 2020

The Frisco Kid (1979)

Question: When Avram is departing on his horse after meeting Tommy, Tommy asks him if he speaks any Mexican. Abram, who doesn't, is puzzled by the question and asks which Tommy responds "Just curious." I've always assumed that Tommy was mocking him cause he was unknowingly riding south and headed for Mexico instead of West towards San Francisco. Am I right?

Gavin Jackson

Answer: Right on the nose.

9th Sep 2020

Cobra Kai (2018)

Season 2 generally

Question: Johnny punishes his Cobra Kai class after learning that certain members trashed Daniel's Dojo to try to get the culprits to confess (with no luck). Why didn't he just send them all to Daniel's Dojo to clean up the mess and fix it up? That would have been the more honourable thing to do.

Gavin Jackson

Answer: He was trying to flesh out the actual culprits but, as you pointed out, he wasn't having any luck. But if he hadn't received the phone call, he might have sent the entire class over to clean up. However, in the same episode, check Robby and Demitri's reactions to the former Cobra Kai students joining Daniel's school. Tensions were high between the two dojos and Daniel's anger at Johnny's dojo might have convinced Johnny that the current students would not be welcome there (risking a fight which both Johnny and Daniel wanted to avoid), so he might have been reluctant to send anyone even if it was the honorable thing to do. Also, Johnny mentions in an earlier episode that there is a difference between mercy and honor. He wants to make sure the real culprits get punished properly. Once he discovered who did it, the innocent would be off the hook and then the real punishment would begin for the guilty. So, in closing, there could be any number of reasons why he didn't send the entire class to clean up Miyagi-Do.


31st Aug 2020

Runaway Train (1985)

Trivia: In the original script Manny was supposed to be a convicted killer but writer Edward Bunker changed it to a safe-cracker because he didn't feel the other prisoners would respect a killer. Curiously this makes Warden Rankin's bitter and homicidal hatred towards Manny (which included welding him into his cell for 2 years) rather questionable as safe cracking isn't remotely as serious as murder.

Gavin Jackson

24th Aug 2020

Alcatraz (2012)

Trivia: This show pays many homages to the 1968 film Bullitt which was also set in San Francisco. Firstly officer Rebecca Madsen's car is the exact same make, colour, and model Mustang that Steve McQueen drove in Bullitt. Also the final episode (Tommy Madsen) features a car chase which recreates many shots from the 1968 film. It even includes the green Beetle Volkswagen coming down the hill as seen in the movie.

Gavin Jackson

24th Aug 2020

Alcatraz (2012)

Garrett Stillman - S1-E12

Visible crew/equipment: When Rebecca Madsen jumps in her car to pursue the armored truck, as she does a U-turn and takes off at high speed, you can see all the people standing on the side watching the filming. Some even have their phone cameras out videoing it. (00:29:30)

Gavin Jackson

18th Jul 2020

The Lost Boys (1987)

Trivia: When David is grabbing Sam as he is escaping from the cave, he looks at his burnt hand and a tear comes out of his eye. The reason for this was Kiefer Sutherland had been wearing his vampire eye contact far too long and when he looked at his burning hand, the extreme light caused his eye to water up. This has been confirmed by Kiefer himself.

Gavin Jackson

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