Superman/Doomsday mistake picture

Continuity mistake: After Superman rescues Lois from Toyman, he is flying her back to her apartment. She is marveling at how he could be back and places her hand on his cheek, with her wrist going over his chin as he frowns. It cuts to another angle, and suddenly her hand has moved back some and her wrist not over the front of his chin. And Superman is suddenly smiling. (00:39:10)

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Superman/Doomsday mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Trying to kill Lois and the little girl, Toyman uses his spider mech to slice the seats in the school bus in half. But when Superman catches the bus and sets it down safely, the seats are just fine, not cut or damaged at all. (00:37:50)

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Superman/Doomsday mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Just before we see the TV broadcast of crime levels going up in Metropolis, we see a traffic light next to the electronics shop window. On it are Don't Walk signs, a One Way sign, and the street sign. Then as the camera pulls back when the thugs start stealing the TVs, the signs have vanished. (00:32:40)

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Continuity mistake: When the thugs steal the TV's from the electronic store, the above shot shows where the TV's were but spots open on the self now do not match up with the TV's they took. They would not fit there as shown in the second shot. (00:33:10)

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Superman/Doomsday mistake picture

Continuity mistake: As Perry White is telling Lois to go visit with friends or family to ease the passing of Superman, there is paperwork pinned to the wall of her cubicle behind her. It cuts to a close up of her face, and suddenly the paperwork at least doubles. (00:30:45)

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Continuity mistake: After the big impact of Superman and Doomsday, Lois and Jimmy run up to the crater and see Superman's cape torn and tattered, hanging on a pole. As they run up, Jimmy is on her right, and she is has her body turned to the right when they stop. The camera cuts to show Superman's cape and suddenly she has her body turned to the left. (00:26:35)

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Superman/Doomsday mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Superman throws Doomsday onto the subway tracks, he slides across them and breaks the railings. But when Superman dives at him and receives a monstrous backhand slap to the face, which sends him down the subway tunnel, the reverse shot showing Doomsday has him standing on subway rails in perfect working order and condition. (00:23:00)

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Continuity mistake: During their fight in the subway, Doomsday throws Superman through one of the red support columns. But in the shot where Superman throws Doomsday onto the tracks, all the columns are in perfect condition. (00:22:55)

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Continuity mistake: After their fight destroys a small power plant, Doomsday grabs Superman and takes off running with him. Doomsday steps on a green car and leaps into the air through the street. As the shot cuts to show him coming towards it, the power plant is shown smoking behind them, but the green car has vanished. Unless it's the car suddenly on fire... In which case the flames instantly appeared between shots. But Doomsday just crushed the roof with his jump, which couldn't have started a fire. (00:22:35)

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Continuity mistake: After Superman rescues the helicopter Lois and Jimmy are flying and sets it down, Lois reaches up and undoes the top half of her seat belt, and Jimmy is just sitting there in shock not touching his. It cuts to a different angle and Superman walks up. Lois suddenly has her full seat belt off, and Jimmy is helped out of the chopper by Superman, without ever taking his seat belt off. There was not a time laps between shots. (00:21:25)

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Continuity mistake: When Doomsday first charges at Superman the first time after Superman catches the tank, Superman stops him by using his super breath to freeze him. This freezes a very large portion of the street and cars in the street as well. But then when Doomsday breaks free and they start fist fighting, Doomsday grabs and throws Superman down the street. As Superman is getting up, the shot shows Doomsday charging at him again from the same spot that was frozen, only now all the ice has completely disappeared. (00:18:05)

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Superman/Doomsday mistake picture

Continuity mistake: As Doomsday is running at a group of solders about to throw a tank at them, there is a black and white car beside them. Then after Doomsday throws the tank and Superman comes out of nowhere to catch it, the car turns brown, and an off orange van appears. This van also has no windows on the side. There also go from being 7 soldiers to 5. (00:17:55)

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Factual error: After Superman plows through a building with Doomsday, Doomsday flies into a power plant. He goes over the top and snaps the power cables and hits a green box, causing a few of the red towers to fall. But when Doomsday grabs Superman and takes off running through the power plant, the damage there is suddenly way more extensive than what would have been for just snapping cables and causing the towers to fall. (00:22:20)

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Superman/Doomsday mistake picture

Continuity mistake: After Lois and Jimmy get in a helicopter, the scene changes back to Doomsday and Superman fighting on a street. As Superman is attacking Doomsday, there is a yellow car in the street behind the creature. Superman then gets a few good hits off, and sends Doomsday flying backwards through the air. Suddenly the yellow car has turned into a large 18 wheeler truck. (00:19:40)

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Superman/Doomsday mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Doomsday picks up a tank and throws it at a group of solders. There is a star on the back fender of the tank that is just the outline of a star. But when Superman catches the tank, the star is solid black. (00:17:50)

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Superman/Doomsday mistake picture

Continuity mistake: On the bridge, Doomsday crushes the skull of a soldier with his hand. Burning rubble and debris are shown behind him. After one of the solders turns the 50 cal on Doomsday, another shot shows a red car suddenly appears behind Doomsday. The double yellow lines also suddenly vanish from under Doomsday. (00:17:10)

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Continuity mistake: As Lois and Superman are having their first argument about him telling her who he really is, there is a pink stone like thing in the room with them. They are standing in one spot in the scene, but the stone keeps moving around from shot to shot. Most noticeably at the beginning of their argument, and the end of it when she is walking away mad. (00:13:35)

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Continuity mistake: After Superman finally reveals to Lois that he is Clark, she tackles him against the wall and kisses him. When his head hits the wall behind him, it knocks a picture loose that tilts sideways but is right behind his shoulder. When the angle changes to a closer view, the picture has moved almost totally off screen and barely a corner behind Clark's shoulder. Then a moment later, without them moving, it shows a side shot again and now, they have suddenly moved further down the wall, and more away from the wall. The picture being further away, and the stuff in the background moving closer. (01:13:40)

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Revealing mistake: When the military attacks Dark Superman, he cuts through their helicopters with his laser vision like a knife through butter. One of the choppers falls and crashes and burns. But the way it falls and moves in the air makes no sense, even for a cartoon. (01:04:30)

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Continuity mistake: After Dark Superman finishes destroying all the Supermen clones, he punches and destroys the console that controls the room. The camera pulls back and shows the incubus fluids completely covering the ground and some dead Superman clones close by. But then when Dark Superman begins walking away after telling Jimmy and Lois to evacuate, there is suddenly much less incubus fluid on the ground, the dead Super clones change position, and some gray mud like stuff appears on the floor. (00:59:30)

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Grumpy Man: Yeah, like we really needed him to bust up the mechanical spider, right? Lame.

More quotes from Superman/Doomsday

Trivia: After Doomsday breaks out, he jumps at the laser drill rig and punches through the driver compartment and rips out the guy inside. When he throws him, this guy cries out in the iconic Wilhelm scream. (00:10:20)

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More trivia for Superman/Doomsday

Question: In the film, Doomsday is described as being a machine, designed to be the ultimate warrior but could not distinguish between friend and foe, and thus exists to destroy any and all life. Is that how it was in the comic, even the machine part?

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Chosen answer: When they call Doomsday a machine, they don't mean a literal machine. Just that he was built/designed. The comics were much the same. Doomsday was created by placing a baby on the most dangerous planet in the universe, and cloning that baby every time it died, forcing it to adapt. Doomsday eventually escaped this torture.


More questions & answers from Superman/Doomsday

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