The Dark Knight
Movie Quote Quiz

The Joker: Never start with the head, the victim gets all fuzzy.

The Joker: You wanna know why I use a knife? Guns are too quick. You can't savor all the little emotions. You see, in their last moments, people show you who they really are.

Harvey Dent: You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.

Bruce Wayne: People are dying. What would you have me do?
Alfred Pennyworth: Endure. You can be the outcast. You can make the choice that no one else will face - the right choice. Gotham needs you.

Bruce Wayne: I knew the mob wouldn't go down without a fight. But this is different. They crossed the line.
Alfred Pennyworth: You crossed the line first, sir. You hammered them. And in their desperation they turned to a man they didn't fully understand. Some men aren't looking for anything logical. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn.

The Joker: People will die, starting tonight. I'm a man of my word.

The Joker: See, I'm a man of simple tastes. I like dynamite and gunpowder and gasoline. Do you know what all these things have in common? They're cheap.

The Joker: I'm a dog chasing cars. I wouldn't know what to do with one if I caught it! Y'know, I just do things.

The Joker: Where do we begin? A year ago, these cops and lawyers wouldn't dare cross any of you. I mean, what happened?
Gamble: So what are you proposing?
The Joker: It's simple: We, uh, kill the Batman.

The Joker: [to Batman.] You've changed things... Forever. There's no going back. See, to them, you're just a freak... Like me!

Bartender: Dent! I thought you were dead!
Harvey Dent: Half.

Bruce Wayne: Today you get to tell me 'I told you so'.
Alfred Pennyworth: Today, sir, I don't want to.
[They walk towards the lift for a few moments. Alfred leans toward Bruce.]
Alfred Pennyworth: ...But I did bloody tell you.

The Joker: You wanna know how I got these scars? My father was a drinker and a fiend. And one night, he goes off crazier than usual. Mommy gets the kitchen knife to defend herself. He doesn't like that. So, me watching, he takes the knife to her, laughing while he does it. He turns to me and he says "Why so serious? He comes at me with the knife."Why so serious? Sticks the blade in my mouth...Let's put a smile on that face!

Lucius Fox: Anything else you can trouble me for?
Bruce Wayne: I need a new suit.
Lucius: Yeah. Three buttons is a little 90's, Mr. Wayne.
Bruce: I'm not talking fashion, Mr. Fox, so much as function.
Lucius: [Looking at new batsuit design] You wanna be able to turn your head.
Bruce: Sure make backing out the driveway easier.


Coleman Reese : I want...$10 million a year, for the rest of my life.
Lucius Fox: Let me get this straight. You think that your of the wealthiest, most powerful men in the world, is secretly a vigilante, who spends his nights beating criminals to a pulp with his bare hands. And your plan is to blackmail this person? [Long pause] Good luck.


The Dark Knight mistake picture

Continuity mistake: During the interrogation scene, when Batman beats up Joker, Joker's hands are holding Batman's forearms upside down (from underneath). When the frame changes his hands are now on top of Batman's forearms, then it cuts back and his hands are under again. (01:28:00 - 01:29:00)

More mistakes in The Dark Knight

Trivia: To prepare for his role as the Joker, Heath Ledger lived alone in a hotel room for a month, formulating the character's psychology, posture and voice (the last one he found most difficult to do). He started a diary, in which he wrote the Joker's thoughts and feelings to guide himself during his performance. He was also given Alan Moore's comic "Batman: The Killing Joke" and "Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on Serious Earth" to read. Ledger also took inspiration from Alex in A Clockwork Orange (1971) and Sid Vicious.

More trivia for The Dark Knight

Question: Just how does Batman's grapple gun work? In Batman Begins, Fox says, 'It's magnetic' so I assume it can attach to anything metal. But the magnet would have to be extremely strong to support the weight of Batman, which begs the question how does it then detach from what he's fired it on? Also, where does he keep all the wire for it, and how does it have the magic ability to wrap its self around the Joker's ankle, when he's been thrown off the building and Batman shoots it at him?

Answer: The gun fires using compressed carbon dioxide as a propellant. The cable is wrapped in a coil around a motorized turbine within the gun. The pulley system in Batman's belt buckle allows him to reel himself in hands-free and still maintain equilibrium. There is a four-pronged grapple at the end of the cable. This is what is magnetized, creating an attraction between it and the monofilament cable. This ensures that the grapple will attach itself to the cable for a secure hold. This is why the magnet itself does not need to be especially strong to support any amount of weight. It also explains the relative ease with which it can be detached and its seemingly "magical" ability to wrap itself around various objects.


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