The Dark Knight

Question: When Gordon comes back "from the dead", what does he say? There was so much screaming and clapping that I couldn't catch it.

Answer: He says "We got you, you son of a bitch."

Question: The Joker tosses Rachel out the penthouse window and Batman dives for her and saves her, then comes the next scene of Batman on top of a building, so what happened to the Joker still at the party, with guns and goons and with the wealthiest people of Gotham?

Answer: The Joker tossed Rachel out the window in order to give him time to get away. It wouldn't make much sense to spend that time killing or robbing people and still be there when Batman got back.

Question: Does the Joker win since Batman becomes the villain? And does the Joker have a plan even though he says he doesn't?

Answer: You could certainly say that the Joker won - he tore Harvey Dent down from a highly-principled man to an insane vigilante; he turned Batman into a villain in the eyes of the general population, he brought chaos to Gotham. As for a plan, not really. His aim in the world is pretty much to spread chaos and confusion around the place - as such, he'll come up with ways to do that, which are obviously plans of a short-term nature, but he doesn't really have any sort of long-term scheme, which is the sort of thing he's talking about when he refers to plans.


Answer: The entire Honor Guard was made of of Joker's men, all firing at the Mayor. But the mayor wasn't shot, Commissioner Gordon was.


Question: Near the end of the film, we are shown what is presumably a memorial service to a deceased Harvey Dent. Yet, I read on IMDB a few days back that Aaron Eckhart, the actor who plays Dent, has signed up for a sequel. My question is this: since Eckhart IS coming back, does that mean the memorial service, and the smashing of the Batsignal were mere speculation on Gordon's part, or is he brought back to life somehow, despite Nolan's insistence on a "realistic" take on Batman?

Answer: There's no way to know as the next film isn't written yet. While Dent's demise could have been faked, it's also possible he'll be back only in flashbacks, or that the rumour of him signing up for a sequel is wrong. The answer is not knowable at this time.


Question: Was that really supposed to be the Scarecrow (from Batman Begins) at the beginning of the movie? (I know Wiki says it is but I'm not convinced this is the case for the following reasons): 1) I would assume that he's in jail. 2) Part of me thinks that this was a Scarecrow impersonator (just like the Batman impersonators), because he did look slightly different when they took his mask off. 3)If I remember correctly, Scarecrow was really an arm of the League in Batman Begins, so I don't see what he would be aiming for now that Batman has defeated the League. Anyway, any ideas out there?

Answer: Yes, it's the Scarecrow. It's the same actor, the same mask, the same methods (drugs up the sleeve) and they state at the end of Batman Begins that they failed to recapture Crane after he broke out of Arkham. While Crane worked for the League, he has his own agendas too; with the defeat of R'as al Ghul, Crane's simply started working for himself again, supplying specialist drugs to the criminal underworld.


Question: Does Two-Face (Harvey Dent) die at the end? The film makers make it seem as if he does die from the fall, however, Two-Face is the main villain along with The Riddler in another film. Even if they don't plan on making another movie with Two-Face as the villain, they left the question of whether he's alive open.

Answer: The suggestion appears to be that Harvey dies - Gordon and Bruce talk as if he's no threat any more and certainly show no rush to call an ambulance or to restrain Harvey, as you might expect if he was still alive. You can ignore Two-Face's appearance in Batman Forever - the two franchises have no connection other than character.


Question: How does Batman break his and Rachel's fall from the building? They just seem to land on the car and they are both okay.

Answer: With his cape. It wasn't large enough to allow them to gently glide to the ground, but it did slow their decent to a safe enough speed.


Question: Commissioner Gordon's son, not the daughter, is featured as a Batman admirer. In the sequel, is there going to be a Robin that's the Commissioner's son, even though Joker's semi had the circus on the side?

Answer: There's no indication at all that the creators of the current film series intend to add Robin as a character and given the aim towards a certain realism in the film series, it's hard to see how they could realistically work the character into the film. Christian Bale, for his part, has stated that if they try to introduce Robin, he'll chain himself to something in his trailer and refuse to come out until they ditch the idea.


Question: How does the mayor survive the gunshot?

Answer: The mayor doesn't get shot: Gordon takes the bullet. He was presumably wearing a bullet-proof vest.


Question: Towards the end of the film while Harvey has fallen on the ground and Batman says, "The Joker won", what does he say after that? And what does he mean by this? I watched this in the cinema but was a bit 'distracted' towards the end.

Answer: They say that the Joker "won" because he managed to make Dent, a truly good person, become evil, which would show Gotham that everyone is evil at heart. That everyone is capable of corruption, and that there is no hope to save Gotham. Batman then explains that they have to hide what Dent has done. They need to cover-up the murders he committed and make them look like Batman did them. Dent is a much better symbol for the people than Batman, and Batman knows that if they find out the things he has done, their spirits will be crushed. Batman and Gordon decide they have to make Dent look like the hero and Batman look like the villain in order to keep the people of Gotham fighting for what is right.

Question: This is minor, but it's driving me crazy. Does anyone know why does the Mayor wear heavy eye-liner? I understand that actors wear make-up sometimes but this is very noticeable.

Answer: He doesn't. That's just the way the actor's eyes look. It's seen in everything he does.

JC Fernandez

Question: Has there been any information as to will happen to Joker's character who was not killed off in the film? Will it be retired or recast?

Answer: At the moment, no, there hasn't. Plans for a third film are only in the very early stages; while Nolan may have a few ideas about what he wants to do, it's highly unlikely that any detailed story proposal exists at this point. In all likelihood, Ledger's death will probably lead to the character's retirement, but, if using the character proves to be necessary for the story that they want to tell, I'm sure that they'll do their best to recast.


Question: Doesn't Batman show up only during the night? If I'm not mistaken, I believe he showed up during the day in the movie, no?

Answer: Batman shows up when he's needed. If that means appearing during the day, that's what he does. While, yes, he generally does his stuff at night, it wouldn't be terribly heroic of him to fail to save somebody or foil a crime just because the sun hadn't gone down yet.


Question: I was wondering if I had missed something. Near the end of the film the Joker has rigged the two boats w/explosives, and has said if one of them doesn't destroy the other by midnight, they will both blow up. So, why, at midnight, do they not both blow up? I don't remember seeing the scene where that detonator was found and dismantled. I suppose it could all have been a ruse, and the Joker was certain one of the boats would blow up the other, so he had no need to carry through with his real threat, but then again, earlier in the film, he had talked about how his consistency would be a thing gotham could count on. If he said, for example, he was going to blow up a hospital, then it would happen and people would derive some sort of comfort from that. So what happened with the two boats? And I know the Joker is crazy and might not always act rationally, but this does seem to fly in the face of the character. In fact, it would seem more likely that he would hope neither would destroy the other just so both would explode and there would be more carnage. Can anyone help out?

Answer: He was sure that one boat would blow up the other, but the goodness in the people on the boats showed through and they didn't do it. He pulls out his own detonator (saying something along the lines of "if you want something done properly, do it yourself" and was about to blow them both up when Batman threw him off the building which made him drop the detonator. We didn't see it destroyed, but we can assume it broke when it hit the ground.

Paul Brannon

Question: The minor character of Mr. Reese sounds very similar to the word mysteries, could he be a future Riddler?

Answer: Unless the name Reese is subsequently revealed to be an alias, it's unlikely. The two films so far have been consistent with the comics with regard to the real names of characters; the Riddler's name in the comic universe is Edward Nigma (or Nygma).


Question: Why does the Joker give multiple reasons for his scars?

Answer: The Joker's aim is anarchy. As such, giving a different explanation each time he's asked is part of creating confusion, making it difficult for others to figure him out. He gets enjoyment out of mayhem and confusion.


Question: I know this question isn't specifically related to the movie itself, but I thought it was something interesting to ask: There's a lot of buzz that Heath Ledger might get posthumously nominated for his role as "The Joker." If that happens, could he win? Or asked another way, how many actors have won an Oscar posthumously, if any, in motion picture history?

Answer: Peter Finch is the only actor to have won a posthumous Oscar for Network (1977). Sidney Howard posthumously won Best Screenplay for Gone with the Wind (1939). James Dean was posthumously nominated for East of Eden (1956) and Giant (1957) but didn't win.


Question: When Gordon faked his death, many people think he faked getting shot, but if you look closely you'll see he really was shot. So how did he fake his death? He would've needed to go to hospital.


Chosen answer: Gordon is a smart man. He knew for sure that someone was going to try to kill the mayor so he hatched a plan just in case that went down. Since we see blood, it could be assumed that he was wearing a bulletproof vest with a fake blood pouch to make it seem more realistic. Some other officers knew about this plan, so they were more than likely the ones that transported him away quickly before anyone could see that he was faking.


Question: I searched a lot and kept expecting to see this discussed: Why doesn't Gordon arrest Ramirez after the hospital explosion? At this point he's done a mea culpa to Dent re not taking his advice on MCU corruption; he's received a trusted text message about Ramirez & Berg; and he's experienced Berg's betrayal first-hand. Yet he talks about Dent being missing in front of her, then entrusts her with critical operational duties. Even though they're close and in disaster conditions, his utter failure to call her out on anything is bizarre given what's already happened.

Answer: Denial, plain and simple. Gordon can't accept the fact that someone he trusted so implicitly turned out to be crooked.


Answer: At this point, what proof does Gordon have? The text message that you speak of points out Ramirez and Berg as people who have relatives in the hospital, nothing more. Berg wasn't necessarily a crooked cop, he was just pushed to the edge when he tried to kill Reese because he wanted to ensure his wife's safety. You can see in the moments leading up to it that he's having a really hard time with this. Coincidentally Ramirez's mother was indeed in the hospital, and Ramirez took bribes to help with the Medical bills. To my recollection, Gordon has nothing linking Ramirez to the explosion of the hospital.


Factual error: After escaping the hospital, Harvey Dent wears the same charred suit he was wearing when he was brought to the hospital. That suit would not have been neatly taken off and left intact. It would have been cut off with shears so as not to accidentally remove any damaged skin and flesh when pulling the pants and shirt off. The blazer might still be intact but certainly not the pants and shirt.


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Alfred Pennyworth: So I suppose they'll be arresting me for being your accomplice, sir.
Bruce Wayne: Accomplice?I'm gonna tell them the whole thing was your idea.

More quotes from The Dark Knight

Trivia: Off-duty Chicago Police Officers along with Officers from Elyria OH, Hammond IN, Buffalo Grove IL and Joliet IL played Gotham Police officer extras.

More trivia for The Dark Knight

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