Oh, God!

Continuity mistake: During the car scene, when God makes it rain, Jerry's hair goes from being dry to wet, repeatedly, depending on the camera angle.

Continuity mistake: When Jerry Landers wakes up in the night and finds the note on his pillow, he is holding it in his left hand. The next close up shows two hands on the note and then back to one hand.

Mister Ed

Continuity mistake: In the scene where Jerry (John Denver) tells his wife (Terri Garr) about the interview with God, she serves him a full bowl of chicken soup which she sets on the table. When he sits the first time, the soup is there, he gets up to pace and when he returns to the table, the bowl is gone. The next shot is over Jerry's shoulder and he eats 3 spoons of soup. The camera switches back to a front shot and the bowl is empty.

Continuity mistake: In the scene where Jerry (John Denver) tells his wife (Terri Garr) about the interview with God, she serves him a full bowl of chicken soup which she sets on the table. When he sits the first time, the soup is there, he gets up to pace and when he returns to the table, the bowl is gone. The next shot is over Jerry's shoulder and he eats 3 spoons of soup. The camera switches back to a front shot and the bowl is empty.

More mistakes in Oh, God!

Jerry Landers: How can you permit all the *suffering* that goes on in the world?
God: Ah, how can *I* permit the suffering?
Jerry Landers: Yeah!
God: I don't permit the suffering. You do! Free will. All the choices are yours.
Jerry Landers: Choices? What choices?
God: You can love each other, cherish and nurture each other or you can kill each other. Incidentally, "kill" is the word. It's not "waste." If I meant "waste" I would have written "thou shalt not waste." You're doing some very funny things with words, here. You're also turning the sky into mud. I look down, I can't believe the filth. Using the rivers for toilets, poisoning my fishes. You want a miracle? *You* make a fish from scratch. You can't. You think only God can make a tree? Try coming up with a mackerel. And when the last one is gone, that'll be that. Eighty-six on the fishes, goodbye sky, so long world, over and out.

More quotes from Oh, God!

Question: Why did God choose Jerry to spread his word around to other people?

Answer: He tells Jerry he chose him specifically because he was an average person. As he put it "better than some, not as good as others."

More questions & answers from Oh, God!

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