Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back

Continuity mistake: At the rebel base, Leia is informed that there is nothing more can do about Han and Luke until the morning and agrees to the hangar doors being closed. In the wide shot, you can see the doors starting to close, although the code hasn't been put in yet. In the next shot the code is put in and the doors start closing again. (00:12:10)

Gavin Jackson

Continuity mistake: When Han is put on the platform during the carbon freeze sequence, Darth Vader and Boba Fett are standing behind him and there is no one else in view, but when we see a close up of Han, an Imperial stormtrooper has suddenly appeared. (01:35:55)

Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: While in hot-pursuit, Han and Chewie are desperately trying to fix the Millennium Falcon (just after C-3PO informs them of the damaged hyperdrive, making light-speed impossible). In one shot Chewbacca has a bare human thumb, without gloves or makeup, and can be easily spotted in the lower left part of the screen. (00:38:00)


Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Luke crashes on the snow he tries to open the cockpit pushing the canopy. A shot later he is pushing the windshield. This changes back and forth several times.


Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back mistake picture

Continuity mistake: After Luke's snowspeeder crashes on the snow, right before he exits, there's no damage on the right window. From the outside shot it's broken all over.


Continuity mistake: After Boba Fett's ship takes off, C-3PO yells, "Oh no. Chewie, they're behind you." Chewbacca shoots at the newly arrived stormtroopers and one of them falls over dead, next to the big white sculpture at the top of the stairs. In the next shot, where R2-D2 spins around before going after the others, the stormtrooper's body is gone. (01:43:55)


Continuity mistake: When the Imperial stormtroopers arrive to prevent Leia, Han and Chewbacca from escaping after being captured by Darth Vader, Lobot (Lando's aide) walks down the steps and stands in front of two of the stormtroopers. When we see Lando saying "I'm sorry" in the next shot, Lobot has disappeared. (01:28:40)

Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When the Falcon is being pursued by the Star Destroyers after escaping Hoth, C-3PO enters the cockpit, attempting to talk with Han, but the ship shakes and he lands on Chewie. After Han says to check the deflector shields, Chewie pushes C-3PO off him, though C-3PO leaves his hand on Chewie's shoulder. In the next shot, C-3PO is suddenly standing at the other end of the cockpit, with his hand nowhere near Chewie. (00:37:10)

Casual Person

Continuity mistake: Before Han is frozen in carbonite, you can see there is nothing by Leia. When the platform Han is standing on begins to drop, we return to Leia and she now has an Imperial stormtrooper standing by her. (01:36:10)

Audio problem: When Lando is punching desperately at the door's control panel in Cloud City, he says "The security code has been changed!" but his mouth doesn't move when he says it. (01:47:10)

Continuity mistake: In the original 1980 release of The Empire Strikes Back, the group accompanied by Billy Dee Williams just walked from the deck with the Falcon inside the halls of the city. There is a man fixing a wall and next to that man is a window, the window shows a blue sky with a couple of buildings that were obviously drawn in the scenery. However in the last scene where Harrison Ford was hugging Billy Dee Williams the sky was orange. This shot only last for a second as the round small window is drawn wrong. But all of cloud city is a painting so its no surprise.


Revealing mistake: When the stormtroopers are firing at Chewie and the droids and C3PO is yelling at R2D2 about the Millennium Falcon's hyper-drive, there is a shot of Chewie being shot at and the beam putting a hole in the wall. In one shot, it doesn't look much bigger than a pinpoint, but in the next shot, the team at Industrial Lights and Magic were kind enough to add a CGI burn mark, which contracts, almost disappears, and then warps as smoke passes in front of it, wrecking the illusion. (01:48:10)

Continuity mistake: When the Millennium Falcon goes towards the bottom of Cloud City towards the end of the movie, we cut to the inside of the cockpit and Lando says "Look, someone's up there" when he notices Luke on the weather vane. At this point you can see Lando's right hand is on Chewbacca's seat when he says this, but when the camera is behind Lando in the next shot, his right hand is no longer on the seat. (01:54:30)

Continuity mistake: When Luke is lying in the snow after escaping from the Wampa, his gun holster is on the left hand side, but when Han finds him, the holster is now on the right hand side. (00:13:00)

Continuity mistake: When Han, Leia and Chewbacca are captured by the Imperials in Cloud City, Lando says, "I'm sorry", to which Han replies, "I'm sorry too." At this point, Chewbacca is looking at Lando, but as the shot changes he is looking at Han, and then looks at Lando a second time.. (01:28:50)

Yoda: Told you, I did. Reckless is he. Now, matters are worse.
Obi-Wan: That boy is our last hope.
Yoda: No. There is another.

More quotes from Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back

Trivia: When Billy Dee Williams (Lando) picked up his daughter from elementary school after the film's release, kids would run up to Williams and say "You betrayed Han Solo!"

More trivia for Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back

Chosen answer: He "searched his feelings" as Vader instructed; he reached out with the Force and felt the truth of the statement.


Answer: The vision Luke sees in the cave on Dagobah is a clue to this. Luke is realizing he has a lot more in common with Darth Vader than the idealized father he'd always imagined. When Vader tells him he's his father, Luke doesn't want to believe it, but he simply can't deny that it feels much more true that his father would be someone passionate and reckless like himself rather than someone who exemplifies a noble Jedi, which feels like an obvious myth in hindsight.


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