Blade II

Trivia: At the end of the film, Rush is killed by Blade, who is hiding behind the curtain at a peep-show booth. In the 1996 film "The Crow: City of Angels", the lead character Ashe surprises a villain in the same manner. Both films were written by David S. Goyer. Goyer had disowned "The Crow: City of Angels" however, due to studio-enforced edits, and decided to re-use the scene in this film.

Trivia: According to series star Wesley Snipes, the scene in which Reinhardt snidely asks Blade "Can you blush?" is based on an actual incident from his life.

Trivia: Whenever you see Scud, he's wearing a t-shirt with the logo of the Bureau for Paranormal Research and Defence (B.P.R.D.). The B.P.R.D. is the agency that Hellboy, another comic book character, works for. Hellboy was the next movie to be directed by Guillermo del Toro, Blade II's director.

Trivia: As well as the Scud and del Toro Hellboy connections, Ron Perlman, who plays Reinhardt, plays Hellboy, and Mike Mignola, creator of Hellboy, helped create the look of Blade II as a concept artist. Del Toro and Mignola got together during the making of Blade II to talk about making Hellboy into a movie.

Trivia: Michael Jackson was supposed to make a guest appearance in the House Of Pain. If you watch the deleted scenes, Nyssa watches a man empty human entrails from a box in one of the rooms upstairs. This part was supposed to be Jackson, be he had to drop out.

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Trivia: During the ending of the film, when we see Rush in the sex shop, pay close attention to the... *ahem*... dildos on the counter in front of him. Eagle-eyed viewers will notice that one of the dildos is actually the elongated tongue of one of the "Reaper" vampires seen throughout the film. It was left a generic "fleshy" color to help it blend in with the dildos on the counter, but it's there.

Trivia: The way Blade slices Reinhardt in half is a tribute to the anime film "Vampire Hunter D" in which the main character slices through a monster in the exact same manner.

Trivia: Luke Goss plays the villain Nomak. Six year later, he would play the villain Prince Nuada in "Blade II" director Guillermo del Toro's "Hellboy II: The Golden Army." Both characters have some notable similarities, including pale skin, the fact they both kill their fathers, and the fact that their sisters team up with the heroes.


Trivia: In the original script by David S. Goyer, the Reapers were much larger, more intricate in design and had many more monstrous features. Director Guillermo del Toro eventually reworked them into being much simpler creatures that were similar to regular vampires save for their pale skin and split jaws. He felt this made them scarier since they could blend in better.


Trivia: "Blade II" is the only film Guillermo del Toro has directed where he was not a credited writer. (Though he did do some uncredited touch-up work, mainly on the dialogue).


Trivia: Matt Schulze, the actor who plays Chupa, was actually in Blade 1 as Crease, the vampire who gets his hand chopped off by Blade's sword handle in the Vampire Archives. It was actually his first real movie role.

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Trivia: Damaskinos originally had long blonde hair. If you watch the deleted scenes with the commentary on, director Guillermo del Toro laughs at how ridiculous he looks, comparing him to Michael Bolton.


Trivia: Whistler's apparent death in the previous film was meant to be permanent, but he proved to be so popular with fans that they decided to bring him back for this film.


Trivia: Blade is the only character in the film from the original comics. All other characters were created for the film, or created for the first film in Whistler's case.


Trivia: The original script for the film had a scene where Blade and Nyssa have sex, but it was ultimately decided that their attraction should be more subtle and implied.


Trivia: The vampire Morbius was originally meant to be the main villain, but Marvel vetoed the idea as they wanted to save him for a solo-film. A Morbius movie is finally set to be released in 2022, exactly twenty years after the release of "Blade II."


Continuity mistake: Just after Scud gets blown up, Reinhardt's face has no blood on it. Yet when he walks out of the room with Whistler, his face is covered in blood.


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Blade: You're human.
Kounen: Barely. I'm a lawyer.

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Question: Why aren't Nyssa and the other vampire fried by the big UV grenade? Sure, they dove underwater, but light doesn't diffuse THAT much underwater. I'm using the logic from an entry's correction that the UV light bounced around the corners is still enough to kill reapers, so it ought to kill them too.

Answer: In Blade I we saw that with sunscreen and the avoidance of direct exposure Deacon Frost and his lackeys could go out by day. The reapers are probably two or three times more sensitive than normal vampires so the exposure was probably not long or direct enough to kill the regular vampires.

More questions & answers from Blade II

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