
Continuity mistake: Just after the siege in the opera house has begun, the scene cuts back to the truck with the SWAT team inside. The driver is shown with his head turned to the right to face the man in the passenger seat while he says "Wake up the Americans." The camera then changes angles and the driver is suddenly looking forwards out of the front window. (00:01:25)

Casual Person

Other mistake: In the theatre/opera scene the whole hall full of people are put into sleep with gas attack. They pass out in seconds. A minute later the compromised agent jumps from the private room to the same hall without any oxygen mask... and is completely fine. (00:02:30 - 00:03:50)

Tenet mistake picture

Continuity mistake: At the opera siege in Kiev, one of the terrorists in the background is shot and downed. Two seconds later, in a different shot, he is still standing and being killed again. (00:04:14)


Audio problem: In the opera siege, when one of the special forces guys questions the protagonist because he doesn't respond to his commands he points the gun at the protagonist and there is a pointless weapon charging handle sound effect. It doesn't make sense because the combat has already been going on for a while, and he should have his gun ready regardless. (00:04:32)

Tenet mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When the Protagonist is being questioned on the train tracks by the Russians, the driver removes a cyanide capsule that the Protagonist had hidden in his uniform. In one angle, he is shown holding the capsule with two fingers and one thumb around the bottom half of it. When the shot cuts to a different angle, he suddenly has one finger positioned on top of the capsule. (00:07:23)

Casual Person

Tenet mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Just after the Protagonist has had some of his teeth pulled out by the Russian driver, the driver begins turning the time on a clock back by one hour. He is shown holding the clock with his right hand, and is shown turning the time back with his left hand. But in the next shot, he is suddenly holding the clock in his left hand and his right hand is at his side. (00:08:10)

Casual Person

Continuity mistake: When the Protagonist is on the boat and is talking with the agent, just after the agent first mentions Tenet, he says "It'll open the right doors, but some of the wrong ones, too." Whilst he says this, the Protagonist is shown looking straight forwards out to sea, but when the camera changes angles, he is suddenly looking at the agent. (00:10:40)

Casual Person

Factual error: When first sucking a bullet from the wall into his gun, he then opens the previously empty magazine to find the bullet. Given he didn't work the slide (forwards or in reverse), the round should not be in the magazine, but in the gun's chamber ready to fire. (00:14:00)

Tenet mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Barbara asks the Protagonist which bullet is which, when Barbara "picks up" the backwards gun, the bullet is fallen over on the table, indicating it's been dropped. (00:14:31)

Continuity mistake: When the Protagonist is on the phone with the contact in Mumbai, just as he says "We live in a twilight world", two men are walking past him. One man is wearing pink robes and the other is wearing a black and red checkered shirt. A closer shot of the Protagonist is then shown, where the two men are shown walking past him a second time. (00:17:45)

Casual Person

Continuity mistake: When the Protagonist and Neil first meet in the hotel, just after Neil puts his hand out to be shaken, the Protagonist begins to reach out his hand for the two to have a handshake. In one shot, the Protagonist is sitting back in his chair, but when the two shake hands in the next shot, he is suddenly leaning forwards, then in the next shot after that, he is suddenly sitting with his back against the chair. (00:18:26)

Casual Person

Audio problem: Just after Neil tells the Protagonist that he never drinks on the job, there is a shot focusing on the Protagonist where he says to Neil that he's well-informed. In the corner of shot, just after the Protagonist finishes his line, Neil is heard saying "Well", but his lips are not shown moving. (00:18:58)

Casual Person

Continuity mistake: When the Protagonist has Sanjay held at gunpoint, he says to Priya that if Tenet is important to her then she can tell him, to which Priya replies not while he has a gun pointed at her husband's head. The Protagonist then pulls the gun away from Sanjay's head and begins to step back. It then cuts to a shot focusing on Priya, and the Protagonist, shown standing on the left corner of shot, is suddenly standing completely still and motionless. (00:22:20)

Casual Person

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Continuity mistake: When the protagonist is at Priya's terrace after menacing her husband, the position of her hands is not continuous between shots. (00:22:35)


Continuity mistake: At the start of the scene where the Protagonist is having dinner with Kat in the restaurant, there is a shot from behind him where he says "Traced it back to Arepo", and he is shown clasping his hands. It then cuts to a shot from in front of him where his hands are now placed on the table. (00:28:20)

Casual Person

Continuity mistake: When the protagonist has dinner with Kat the glass in her hand appears/disappears randomly between shots. Also, the position of her hands is not continuous when the scene starts. (00:28:50)


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Continuity mistake: When the bodyguards have the Protagonist cornered in the kitchen, they place his hand on a chopping board. In one shot, just as one of the bodyguards raises a utensil he is holding to hit his hand with, the Protagonist is shown raising his fingers slightly, right before the shot cuts. It then cuts to a different angle where his hand is now flat on the chopping board. (00:32:40)

Casual Person

Continuity mistake: When Kat is talking with her son outside the school, just as she says "We will. We'll go together", a schoolgirl and her mother are shown walking past Kat, on her left. It then cuts to a closer angle of Kat and the mother and daughter have suddenly disappeared. (00:33:40)

Casual Person

Fay: Welcome to the afterlife. You've been in a medically-induced coma while we got you out of Ukraine and rebuilt your mouth.
Protagonist: The suicide pills are fake. Why?
Fay: A test.

More quotes from Tenet
Tenet trivia picture

Trivia: The Sator Square dates back to Pompeii and is a square of 5 Latin words making a palindrome: Sator, Arepo, Tenet, Opera, and Rotas. Whichever orientation the square is in the words line up in both directions. Each word features in the film - Kenneth Branagh's character is named Sator, the forger mentioned near the start is Arepo, the title is of course Tenet, the opening sequence takes place in an Opera, and the Ukranian special forces who arrive in that sequence have badges on their arms with "Rotas" on them.

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