Marriage Story
Marriage Story mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In the first scene at Grandma's house, she wakes Nicole and Henry up early, and tells him to go make mom some coffee. Between shots there are different continuity errors; at first the sheet is rumpled, then the blanket is covering it entirely, then when Grandma leans in and kisses him you can notice Scarlett's right arm first on her chest then behind her back, and Azhy Robertson's chest is uncovered in the second shot when he was still under the blanket up to his neck earlier. (00:15:40)


Marriage Story mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: As the camera follows Nicole out of the subway station at the beginning of the movie we see the shadow of the camera on her back briefly when she turns. (00:00:28)


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Ted: Criminal lawyers see bad people at their best, divorce lawyers see good people at their worst.

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