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Continuity mistake: In Chapter 3, Perry describes how Hester Monk will be leaving the Portpool clinic, and says that Margaret Ballinger "knew Hester was going, but she refused to think of it." But then, in Chapter 5, Hester tells Margaret she is leaving, and "Margaret looked stunned" and asks Hester if she means she is leaving for always. Margaret should not be stunned in Chapter 5 if she already knew Hester was leaving, as indicated in Chapter 3.


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Continuity mistake: In section 3 of the chapter called Bear and Bone, Eddie Dean reminisces about his dead sister Gloria. But in the previous book (The Drawing of the Three), Eddie's dead sister's name was Selina (Ch 3: Contact and Landing).


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Continuity mistake: In the Tuesday 24 entry, Jamie says that Stinker has black eyes, but in the Sunday 29 (the very last) entry of "Am I the Princess or the Frog?" Jamie & Mike say that Stinker has brown eyes.

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Continuity mistake: In the danish version of the book, when Norah is examining the water sample from the hole in the ice, she concludes that it is a 3% saline solution, and shortly after, they're talking about it being a 4% solution.

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Continuity mistake: On the first page of chapter 30, it says "The last time he had seen a Wind Clan cat it had been Mudclaw screeching angrily away into the heather", but Deadfoot was the last of the the three Wind Clan cats to run.

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Continuity mistake: In Chapter 16, Peter Lasko borrows his mother's Jetta; near the end of Chapter 36, right before he is killed, her car is referred to as a Mazda.

More To the Power of Three mistakes

Continuity mistake: In this book, when Manny calls Greg "Bubby" during the school play, which is in early December, Greg then says he has been able to keep that nickname quiet for five years. However, in the very next book, Manny states that he is only three years old. Plus, that would mean Manny is two when Greg makes his statement, unless Manny's birthday is in late September, October, November, or early December. Greg's statement is actually ambiguous, and if you interpret it another way, if you can figure it out since it's difficult to explain, it would then make sense and be less of a mistake. But let's just say that Greg should have used different wording.

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Factual error: In chapter six, there are references to a new "Air Force One" being a 757. Air Force One is not a specific plane, but a call sign used for any aircraft carrying the president. Additionally, the US government has already had a 757 for a while. It is used to fly into smaller airports that cannot accommodate the president's standard 747. This mistake is repeated when the President of the United States "sends" Air Force One to pick up Carpathia. If the President wasn't on it, it wasn't Air Force One.

Jason Sieberg

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Other mistake: On page 269 (first edition), Violet and Quigley "saw four tiny words etched over their heads." However, Quigley reads them as, "The world is quiet here", which is five words.

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Factual error: When Edward is telling Carlisle's history to Bella, he says that Carlisle "actually found a coven of true vampires that lived hidden in the sewers of the city. The vampires couldn't have been hidden inside the sewers because there weren't any. The sewage system was only built around 1859, and Carlisle found the vampires around 1660-1670.

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Continuity mistake: When Gemma, Felicity, and Ann are having tea with the Headmistress after Pippa's seizure, Cecily and her "group" are said to leave. Just a few pages later Cecily asks a question, but nothing is mentioned of her coming back to the room.

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Plot hole: At the end of the book you are told that Artemis' father cannot remember anything that happened after he left on the fowl star. Yet in the third book, during one of Artemis's diary extracts he talks about when he was a prisoner - how does he remember that?

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Factual error: During the conversation about plowing, the shrew asks Mrs. Frisby, "Remember in the spring of sixty-five? He plowed on the eleventh of March, and on a Sunday at that." In 1965, March 11 fell on a Thursday, not a Sunday.

More Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH mistakes

Continuity mistake: When Mrs. Graffman is talking to Tibby in the hospital she mentions that Bailey was diagnosed with leukemia when she was seven but in the second book, during Tibby's biography about Bailey, it says that there was a video clip with her when she was six, wearing a baseball cap with no hair underneath it.

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Continuity mistake: In this book, the vice president's name is Howard Kiel. In an earlier book, The Run, the character's first name was George.

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Factual error: In chapter IX "Friend of the Gracchi", Tiberius Gracchus writes a letter home just after the destruction of Carthage, saying the farmland was plowed under with salt, to prevent anything from growing there. But recent (21st century) studies have shown that no record of such an event exists, and that the story of the salting of Carthage is a 20th century fabrication, made more than 2000 years after Tiberius Gracchus lived.


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Continuity mistake: Arn says Harald served as his sergeant in the Holy Land for more than fifteen years. In "The Knight Templar" Harald didn't arrive until Arn had been a knight for well over ten years, and Arn only served for twenty. This means Harald could have served as his sergeant for no more than nine years.

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Continuity mistake: Little persons' blood is green, yet when Darren is attacked by the bear which then proceeds to kill one of the little people it says that its blood stained the snow crimson.

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Continuity mistake: At one point in the book, Brianna and Roger are discussing her trying to find out about her real father. Roger tells her that his uncle told him stories about his own father, when his father came to stay on holiday. The problem is, we find out in the first book, Outlander (Cross Stitch in the U.K.) that the Reverend is Roger's uncle on his mother's side, so what would his dad have been doing there as a kid?

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Continuity mistake: On page 113 in chapter four where the Master Chief and Sergeant Parker have just finished killing the two hunters in the Truth and Reconciliation, MC turns to Parker and says "Hold your men here, I'll be back - with the captain". It is written "She started to protest" and "'don't tell Silva', she said", implying Parker is female. However, one page previous, after Parker shot and killed the second hunter, it states that Sergeant Parker had a pistol in HIS hand and had gashes in HIS side.

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